вторник, 31 марта 2009 г.

Time, will change nothing!!!

Greetings, inhabitants of the earth! Three students - Alexander, Max and Ilya, write to you from the remote past. We it come from Russia. We hope that at you all well, how at us! Though now in the world an economic crisis, but it has not essentially mentioned us.

First of all we will begin the letter with problems which accompany the world! The majority of problems which today we connect with global problems of the present, accompanied mankind throughout all its history. First of all it is necessary to carry problems of ecology, a preservation of peace to them, overcoming of poverty, hunger, illiteracy. But after the Second World War, thanks to unprecedented scales of converting activity of the person, all these problems have turned to global, expressing contradictions of the complete modern world and designating with unknown force necessity of cooperation and a unification of all people of the Earth. Presently global problems: on the one hand, show close interrelation of the states; and with another – reveal deep discrepancy of this unity.

But except problems, in the world there is more many all good in sports, culture, music, cinema and in many other things. Each 6 years there passes the World championship on football, we meet friends and we support our national team - a Russian national team. All world watches this event and everyone worries about the national team. Passes a lot of musical and cinema of festivals, such as Oscar, Gremmi, АМА and many other things. In music now many various styles and at each style the admirers who differ the friend of odes of the friend, hairdresses and a fashion.

Well and on last it would be desirable to tell about Russia. We live in the finest country on light, and all other countries envy us, after all we the first have departed to space and the first have arrived from it. We have thought up a hydrogen bomb, car "Zhigulis" and many other terrible things. It we can do three things simultaneously: to sit on a toilet bowl, to read the newspaper and to smoke. It we store onions in stockings, and pepper in jeans. It we is proud we name the country Russia, and foreigners enviously speak Russia. But all the same it ours - «Ours Russia»

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